Our main office
is located just North of the
Plano / Frisco
border on the Dallas Tollway:
2591 Dallas Parkway, Suite 207
Frisco, TX 75034
(214) 206-1829 -- Tel
(800) 933-0891 -- Toll Free Fax
Traveling north on the Dallas Tollway continue until you reach
the Gaylord exit in Frisco. Exit on to Gaylord and make a left
at the light going over Dallas Parkway (also known as Dallas Tollway)
and head south on the service road. Turn into the FIRST parking
lot on your right. Sign reads...Hall Office Park. (Note: There are 2 buildings that look Identical. I am in the 2591 Building, NOT the 2595 building). When you enter
the building, take the elevator to the 2nd floor and see the receptionist in 207.
to 2591 Dallas Pkwy
Frisco, TX 75034-8542
FREE evaluation regarding your DWI or DUI case